Stiles Landscape

A lush, dense lawn is a beautiful sight to behold. Fortunately, you can achieve this with overseeding! Overseeding involves spreading seeds to fill bare and patchy areas with new grass growth. However, you’ll want to prepare your lawn in Michigan beforehand to get the best results. To do this, you should mow it shorter than usual to give the seeds good contact with the soil and remove debris that can block them from accessing the resources they need to establish. Lastly, you should aerate your turf before overseeding to help the seeds reach deeper into the soil and increase the chances of successful germination and grass growth!

Mow your lawn shorter than usual to give the seeds good contact with the soil

Before overseeding your lawn, you’ll want to prepare it by mowing it shorter than usual. After all, the seeds can become caught on tall grass, stopping them from reaching the ground. Not only that, but it can also hinder their access to sunlight and other resources. When this happens, the seeds will have a more challenging time germinating and developing, which won’t give you the best results from this service. By mowing your lawn shorter, you ensure they have good contact with the soil and can get the resources they need, increasing their chances of growing into beautiful, healthy grass.

Remove any debris from your lawn before overseeding.

Another way to prepare your lawn for overseeding is to remove any debris. Sticks, twigs, leaves, and other debris can block sunlight and water from reaching the seeds, plus inhibit proper airflow. As a result, they may not have the best luck germinating and establishing roots, meaning less will yield grass. Removing any obstructions from your lawn will give the seeds full access to everything they need to flourish.

Aerate Your Lawn Before Overseeding to Give the Seeds the Best Chance of Success

If you want to get the best results from overseeding, then aerating your lawn beforehand is the way to do it. Aeration is the process of pulling up small plugs of soil, which creates tiny holes in the ground to help alleviate compaction and provide passageways for nutrients, sunlight, oxygen, and water to reach the roots of your grass more easily. However, the holes created also serve as the perfect spot for the seeds to fall into and get deeper into the ground, giving them excellent contact with the soil! These conditions will improve the chances of successful germination and establishment, plus keep them safe from the wind, rain, and critters. Additionally, they’ll have optimal access to everything they need to fill your lawn with lush, dense grass growth!

The best seeds to use for overseeding here in Michigan is a blend of Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue.

Want to achieve a thick, dense lawn? Call us today to schedule our overseeding service!

If you want to achieve a thick, dense lawn, we’re here to help! At Stiles Lawn, Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc., we offer our overseeding service to residential and commercial properties, along with HOAs, in DeWitt, Haslett, Williamston, MI, and throughout the surrounding areas. Our team will spread a premium blend of cool-season seeds across your turf to fill bare and patchy areas with new growth, making it fuller and lusher than ever. We can also perform core aeration beforehand to give them the best chances of success, then apply a starter fertilizer afterward to supply vital nutrients and speed up the germination process. We’ve been exceeding expectations with our high-quality services for 40 years, and we look forward to doing the same for you next! Call us today at (517) 258-4272 to schedule our overseeding service!

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