Brown patch infected lawn in DeWitt, MI.

Lawn Disease Control in the Lansing, DeWitt, Haslett, & Williamston Areas of Michigan

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Lawn Disease Control Service in DeWitt, Haslett, Williamston, MI & Surrounding Cities

We use highly effective curative treatments to eliminate brown patch, dollar spot, and other common lawn diseases from your turf.

Fungal diseases can severely harm your lawn, weakening the grass and dragging down its curb appeal. Fortunately, we offer highly effective curative lawn disease control treatments to eliminate fungal infections and get your turf back on the road to recovery; some of the common lawn diseases we target include brown patch and dollar spot. However, while these treatments will take care of the disease, they won't reverse the damage your lawn sustained. So, we also offer lawn care services to help nurse your turf back to full health, including fertilization, aeration, and overseeding.

We proudly offer our lawn disease control service to commercial, residential, and HOA properties in DeWitt, Haslett, Williamston, and nearby cities in Michigan. Call us today at (517) 322-2671 to schedule.

Once we diagnose the fungal disease infecting your turf, we'll apply our curative lawn disease control treatments.

Lawn diseases can drastically damage your turf if left untreated, so it's crucial to take action as soon as you begin noticing the signs of one. Upon scheduling our lawn disease control service, we'll inspect your lawn and diagnose which fungal disease is infecting it. Then, we'll administer our highly effective curative treatments to eliminate it so that your lawn can begin focusing on recovering.

Our Lawn Disease Control Treatments Are Effective Against Brown Patch, Dollar Spot & Other Common Fungal Infections

Red thread lawn disease infected lawn in Lansing, MI.

At Stiles Lawn, Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc., we have 40 years of experience tackling common lawn diseases in our area and use top-quality lawn disease control treatments to eliminate the one infecting your turf. Our treatments are effective against the following fungal infections:

  • Red thread: As the name implies, this lawn disease causes reddish threads to form across the top of your grass.
  • Dollar spot: Dollar spot causes small, circular spots of browning and straw-colored grass across your lawn.
  • Brown patch: Brown patch causes irregular patches of brown or dead grass.

Help strengthen your lawn after a fungal disease with our lawn care services.

Aerator machine in a lawn unplugging cores in Williamston, MI.

Although our curative lawn disease control treatments can eliminate fungal diseases from your turf, they can't reverse the damage it already sustained. Fortunately, we offer several lawn care services to nurse your lawn back to health, including the following:

  • Fertilization: Our fertilization treatments will supply your lawn with all the nutrients it needs to regain its color and strength after a lawn disease.
  • Aeration: We can aerate your lawn to create passageways for nutrients, sunlight, water, and other resources to reach the roots of your grass. This way, it can absorb more of everything it needs to recover after a fungal disease.
  • Overseeding: Our overseeding service is just what you need to fill in bare and patchy spots resulting from a lawn disease to make it thicker and denser again.

We'll use a blend of Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue seeds for our overseeding service to yield healthier, more durable grass.

Don't let lawn diseases take over your turf. Call us today to schedule our lawn disease control service!

Don't let lawn diseases take over your turf - at Stiles Lawn, Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc., we can apply curative lawn disease control treatments to swiftly and effectively eliminate the fungal infection. You can trust that we use top-of-the-line products to get your lawn back on track to good health in no time.

We offer our lawn disease control service to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in and around the DeWitt, Haslett, and Williamston, MI, areas. Call us today at (517) 322-2671 to schedule!


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