Stiles Landscape

Crabgrass is a common weed in Michigan, but it can be challenging to identify since it closely resembles grass. However, if you notice a clump of coarse, light green grass on your lawn, it’s most likely crabgrass. Its leaves will also fan out from the center and resemble crab legs, hence the name. The best way to eliminate this weed is with post-emergent treatments, but it’s stubborn and persistent, so it’s important to exercise patience. You can also prevent crabgrass from sprouting on your lawn again with pre-emergent treatments.

How to Distinguish Crabgrass From Grass


Crabgrass is a weed that closely resembles grass, making it difficult to distinguish. However, there are tell-tale signs that can help you identify it. For example, crabgrass grows in clumps and stays low to the ground, with coarse, light green leaves that branch out from the center like crab legs, hence the name. This weed’s leaves are also much wider than regular grass blades and have a pointed tip. Additionally, the stems are round with a reddish-purple color.

What should you do if you have crabgrass on your lawn?

If you notice crabgrass on your lawn, post-emergent treatments are the best way to eliminate it. These herbicides target the weed directly, as they’re applied to the growth, where they then seep into the soil and kill it at its roots. While this weed removal method is highly effective, crabgrass is particularly stubborn and persistent. Because of this, it’s important to exercise patience and stay consistent with applying these treatments.

In addition to crabgrass, other common weeds in Michigan include dandelions, ground ivy, and tick weed.

Pre-Emergent Weed Control Treatments Can Help Prevent Crabgrass From Sprouting on Your Lawn Again

While post-emergent weed control treatments are effective at eliminating crabgrass after it has surfaced, they can’t stop new ones from growing. Fortunately, you can prevent this weed from sprouting on your lawn again by utilizing pre-emergent treatments. Pre-emergents work by creating a protective barrier in the soil that prevents newly germinated weed seeds from breaking through the surface and reaching the resources they need to continue growing. As a result, they won’t have a chance to overrun your lawn and steal precious nutrients and space for themselves!

However, timing is crucial with pre-emergent treatments. They need to be applied before a certain point in the crabgrass growth cycle for optimal effectiveness. Once it passes that point, the treatment is no longer effective on that weed. Since crabgrass is a summer annual that germinates in the spring, the best time to apply pre-emergents is in the early part of the season, between April and May.

Call us today to sign up for our weed control service!

If you want to boast a healthy, weed-free lawn year-round, you’ve come to the right place! Here at Stiles Lawn, Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc., we offer a weed control service that involves our team visiting multiple times from early spring until fall to apply pre- and post-emergent treatments; the former will prevent new weeds from sprouting, while the latter will eliminate any existing growth on your lawn. Our team will apply these treatments at the right time to ensure maximum effectiveness, which can combat crabgrass, dandelions, ground ivy, and other common weeds. What’s more, this service also includes regular fertilization applications to provide all the nutrients your turf needs to stay healthy and at its best!

We offer our weed control service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in DeWitt, Haslett, Williamston, MI, and throughout the surrounding areas. Call us today at (517) 273-1514 to sign up for this service and say goodbye to crabgrass and other pesky weeds!

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