If you are planning to overseed your lawn Michigan, you need to follow a regular lawn watering schedule right after it was overseeded to ensure the success of the grass seeds. For the first two weeks after overseeding, water your lawn lightly but frequently to keep the soil moist and help the seeds grow. After the first 14 days, switch to watering your grass deeply but less frequently for the next 2 weeks. After a month, you can go back to watering your grass normally to sustain its tip-top growth.

Water your lawn lightly but frequently for the first 2 weeks after overseeding.

One of the most important things you should remember when watering your lawn after overseeding it is to start slowly and steadily. To do this, water your lawn lightly but frequently for the first 2 weeks after overseeding. Light and frequent watering means watering your lawn about 2 to 4 times a day but each session should only last a short time, about 15 minutes long, so the soil stays moist but is never oversaturated.

During the first 2 weeks after you overseeded your lawn, you should focus on helping the seeds grow. The new seeds need consistent moisture to germinate and sprout, and light and frequent watering will keep the soil moist to ensure they don't dry out and will have enough water to grow.

Water your lawn deeply but less frequently 2-4 weeks after it was overseeded.

After the first 14 days since your lawn was overseeded, it will be time to adjust your watering schedule. During this time, the grass seeds have germinated already and started developing roots. Two weeks following overseeding, your watering efforts should be aimed at helping your grass grow strong, deep roots. To achieve this, you'll need to water your lawn deeply but infrequently for the next 2 weeks.

Deep and infrequent watering entails providing more water during each session but doing it less often. The idea behind this watering technique is that it introduces more water so it soaks deep into the soil to stimulate the growing grass to develop deeper roots.

Avoid walking on your lawn for the first month after overseeding it to prevent causing stress to the growing grass seeds.

After a month, you can go back to watering your lawn normally.

After about a month from when your lawn was overseeded, your new grass should have already established a good root system. Your grass will be lush and vibrant, looking like the lawn you've always wanted. However, it still needs consistent watering to remain healthy and dense. By this time, you can switch back to watering your lawn normally. Ideally, your grass should receive about an inch to two inches of water per week. You can achieve this by watering your grass about 2 to 3 times a week, with each watering session lasting about 20 minutes. It's also best to monitor the weather and see if any rain will come so you can adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Call us today to sign up for our overseeding service!

Is your lawn looking a bit patchy and thin? If so, it's time to schedule our overseeding service! We utilize a high-quality seed blend of Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue seeds to give you a lush, dense, and resilient lawn that looks amazing. We can also help ensure your freshly overseeded lawn receives the right amount of water by installing an irrigation system on your property via our irrigation installation service. We offer these services to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in DeWitt, Haslett, Williamston, MI, and surrounding communities. Give us a call today at (517) 322-2671 to sign up for our overseeding service.